ASM and Inline ASM#

In this project, Assembly code and Inline Assembly should be used with extreme caution. While it can offer performance improvements or enable access to low-level hardware features, its use can make code harder to understand, maintain, and port. Always prefer writing in C unless absolutely necessary.

General Guidelines for ASM and Inline ASM#

  • Avoid ASM When Possible: Always try to write in C before resorting to assembly language. C compilers are highly optimized and can often produce efficient machine code that rivals hand-written assembly.

  • Document ASM Code Thoroughly: Assembly code is often harder to understand than C, so it should be accompanied by thorough comments that explain why ASM was used, as well as what the code does.


/* Set register to zero using ASM */
mov r0, #0      /* Initialize r0 to 0 */
  • Use Inline ASM Sparingly: Inline assembly allows you to embed assembly instructions directly in C code. It should only be used when absolutely necessary, such as when interacting with hardware registers or performing CPU-specific optimizations.

  • Constrain the Scope of Inline ASM: When using inline assembly, constrain its scope to as few lines as possible and avoid intermixing it with complex C logic. This helps isolate potential issues and reduces the risk of bugs.


void set_flag(void)
  asm volatile("mov r0, #1" : : : "r0");  /* Set flag in register r0 */
  • Always Use `volatile` for Inline ASM: Inline assembly should be marked as volatile to prevent the compiler from optimizing it out.

  • Do Not Use Inline ASM for Optimizations: Modern C compilers perform aggressive optimizations. Inline ASM should not be used to try and optimize code performance unless absolutely necessary, as it is often more error-prone than compiler optimizations.

  • Use Constraints Correctly: When using inline ASM in C, use the appropriate constraints to inform the compiler how the assembly instructions interact with C variables.


int add(int a, int b)
  int result;
  asm volatile(
    "add %[r], %[a], %[b]"
    : [r] "=r" (result)    /* Output */
    : [a] "r" (a), [b] "r" (b) /* Inputs */
  return result;
  • Prefer Named Registers: Always use named registers or C variable references in inline ASM instead of hardcoding register names. This improves portability and makes it easier to understand how the assembly interacts with C.

  • Platform-Specific ASM: If inline assembly or standalone ASM is used, ensure that it is documented as platform-specific and cannot be easily ported to other architectures.

Bad Example:#

asm("mov r0, #1");    /* INCORRECT: No constraints, platform-specific */

Good Example:#

int set_register(int value)
  asm volatile(
    "mov r0, %[val]"
    : [val] "r" (value)
    : "r0"   /* CORRECT: Specifying the register and constraint */
  return value;

When to Use ASM and Inline ASM#

  • Hardware Access: Use ASM when direct hardware access is required and C alone cannot provide the necessary control (e.g., setting or clearing specific registers).

  • Performance Critical Code: ASM may be justified in performance-critical sections where C compiler optimizations fall short, but this should be documented and used as a last resort.

  • CPU-Specific Instructions: Use ASM for executing instructions that are unique to the target CPU (e.g., specific ARM or x86 instructions that are not exposed in C).

General Guidelines#

  • Avoid ASM unless absolutely necessary.

  • Use inline ASM for simple tasks like setting hardware registers, not for optimizations.

  • Always use volatile for inline ASM to prevent it from being optimized out.

  • Ensure thorough documentation for any assembly code, explaining both what the code does and why ASM is required.

  • Use constraints in inline ASM to inform the compiler about register usage and interactions with C variables.

  • Isolate inline ASM code from complex C logic, and keep it as minimal as possible.

  • Make sure all ASM or inline ASM code is portable or clearly marked as platform-specific if not.